In this page you will find funding calls and training opportunities in the scope of BlueMed Initiative.

Watch out for the deadlines. You can find more information in the provided links.





MedPAN launches 2 new Calls for Small Projects

MedPAN is launching 2 Calls for Small Projects to support the actions led in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean. The Calls for Small Projects aim to reinforce MPA management. Please note that the 2 calls have specific eligibility rules, application forms and deadlines. You’ll find all the details in the this website.

November 19th 2017

JERICO-NEXT Proposal for Transnational Access to Coastal Observatories – 3rd Call

The JERICO-NEXT project is offering access to Observing systems, such as ferrybox lines, fixed platforms, including cabled observatories, gliders, and fishing vessels based in coastal and shelf-sea areas around Europe.

Supporting facilities, such as calibration and research laboratories, complete the offer, as also certain specific kinds of special equipment. These may be used alone or in conjunction with one or more of the observing systems, but priority will be given to the projects using both (Supporting facilities/Special equipment and Observing systems).

All the info is available in this site.

March 12th 2018

DG Mare calls on Blue Economy under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund

Two strands dedicated to the Med:

  • Strand 3: Blue networks for the Mediterranean with a budget of €3.000.000 
  • Strand 4: Joint actions for a sustainable Blue economy in the Mediterranean with a budget of €1.500.000″.

For more information visit this site.

Strand 3: February 28th 2018

Strand 4: February 8th 2018

Call for Strategic Start-up Actions on Blue Growth in the Mediterranean

The Call is open to entities who are willing to partner up with at least three other organisations from different countries, including one non-EU country and one private enterprise, to conduct a series of meetings leading up to a feasibility, foresight or pilot study on topics that are crucial to the future of Blue Growth in the Mediterranean, driven by the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

For more information visit this site.

July 15th 2018

Call for experts in blue economy

Call for experts in blue economy to set up a list of external experts to support evaluation and monitoring activities of actions implemented by EASME under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) (2014-2020).


For more information visit this site

31st December 2017

More calls to follow. Check back soon…

Training Opportunities




COLUMBUS External Capacity Training – Knowledge Transfer for Researchers

More Details about this training to follow soon. Check this link as well for more information

January 23rd, 2018 


Every 3 months, AQUAEXCEL2020 project invites proposals from European research groups for scientific research that utilises the installations of any of the participating aquaculture research infrastructures. These facilities are made available to the research community for Transnational Access (TNA) with the support of the European Union’s H2020 Programme.

 October 31st, 2017 until December 12th, 2017

3rd Call for training in marine biotechnology & aquaculture innovation

There is a new call for training in marine biotechnology and aquaculture innovation. For more information see the link below.


December 7th 2017

More training opportunities to be added. Please check back soon…

COLUMBUS Training Course: “Creating Impact by Knowledge Transfer for Funding Agencies”

You may register for this training here.

You may find more details here.

This training course is intended for all those who are invested in achieving greater impact from the research that they support. It is designed for representatives from Europe-based funding agencies, evaluators, national contact points and decision makers.

October 21st, 2017

University of Trieste, Italy

October 23rd, 2017


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