BlueMed in the Mediterranean countries

«We restate our belief that strengthening Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in research and innovation contributes to fully tap the potential of economic growth and sustainable development of the Mediterranean» (La Valletta Declaration, 2017)

BlueMed’s activitity is shaped around the aim of building a cohesive network of relations among the countries facing the Mediterranean Sea: the managing board (the GSO) and the main bodies (the platforms and the pivots network) are populated by members from the EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries. Through periodic meetings, these groups managed to establish a common discourse over a shared approach to the common issues (e.g. a shared Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, the BlueMed SRIA, was developed, prioritised and implemented).

In addition to this, BlueMed is engaged in supporting a number of initiatives both in EU and non-EU countries, aimed at fostering the spread of knowledge and the establishment of long-term networks concerned and supportive of a shared sustainable development of the Mediterranean. A selection of these initiatives is presented below.

Mapping of the National Hubs on Marine Litter

A broad range of initiatives and projects addressing marine litter are ongoing in Mediterranean countries, and are shown in the image and tables below. This gathering of information will be a continuous process that will need to take account of the many other initiatives going on ‘on land’ to complete the picture of the of the Mediterranean landscape, identify potential synergies and sharpen the focus of action of the BlueMed Pilot.

In a first exploratory workshop on 12 March 2019, experts from Mediterranean countries from public administrations, science, industry and civil society met to define a common direction of travel. Following presentations on the state of plastic pollution in the Mediterranean and the current regulatory framework addressing marine litter, examples of ongoing initiatives by researchers, companies and civil society were given which provided a snapshot of the complexity of the problem at hand and the breadth of efforts that will be required to tackle it.

Please browse the tabs to read and download the countries’ mapping of national iniatitives.

BlueMed tour in non-EU countries

BlueMed in the Mediterranean countries

A series of meetings was held in June-July 2018 in BlueMed non-EU countries, conceived as the first operational steps towards the Implementation  of the Valletta Declaration.

The encounters were held respectively in Algiers (Algeria), in La Marsa (Tunisia), in Ankara (Turkey), in Alexandria (Egypt) and in Amman (Jordan). Participants discussed the state of cooperation around the Mediterranean basin and confronted on the key enabling knowledge, technologies and sectors needed to sustain and foster blue growth and sustainability in the area.

The BlueMed Young Communication Ambassadors

The BlueMed Young Communication Ambassadors were chosen in non-EU Mediterranean countries, with the mandate to spread the BlueMed approach to a shared, sustainable Blue Growth in their countries and beyond, and to create and enhance a network of BlueMed concerned people.

Inès Boujmil

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Tunisia

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Tunisia

BSc in Geosciences and MSc in Geomatics/spatial analysis

Badr El Mahrad

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Morocco

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Morocco

BSc in Geological & Earth Sciences and MSc in Engineering/hydrodynamics; Water & coastal management; Environmental assessment and management

Mustafa Ghazal

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Egypt

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Egypt

BSc in Chemistry / Biochemistry and MSc in Chemistry

Deniz Yapılcan

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Turkey

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Turkey

BSc in Communication

Fella Moualek

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Algeria

BlueMed Y.C. Ambassador in Algeria

BSc in Marine Enviroment and MSc in Enviroment

BlueMed news and activities in the Mediterranean countries
