The Start-up Actions supported by BlueMed

A call was launched  by BlueMed in 2018 for StartUp Actions funding. The applicants were asked to form a partnership of at least four entities – three from EU Member States and one from a non-EU country – to conduct three multi-disciplinary workshops/ meetings leading up to a  feasibility or foresight study or a demonstration or pilot project. Another criterion was the potential integration in the BLUEMED Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

The four Start-up Actions selected under this call have been:

  1. SEALINES: Mediterranean Safety Network, Coordinated by Ilaria Antoncecchi & Team (Ministry of Economic Development/Bicocca University of Milan, Italy); Co-Lead Marco Pacini (Rossetti Marino SpA, Italy), with partners from Egypt, Greece, Tunisia, Italy, Croatia and Cyprus.
  2. ECOMEDPORT: Feasibility study of an ecosystem-oriented plant for sediments management in Mediterranean ports and marinas, Coordinated by Cesare Saccarini & Team (University of Bologna, Italy); Co-Lead Giovanni Preda (Trevi SpA, Italy), with partners from Tunisia, Lebanon and Greece.
  3. LabMAF: Developing a Labelling Scheme for Mediterranean Small-scale and Artisanal Fish Products, Coordinated by Jerneja Penca (Euro-Mediterranean University EMUNI, Slovenia); Co-Lead Alicia Said (Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology MCAST, Malta), with partners from the UK, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Lebanon and France. Click here for more info.
  4. BlueBoatsMed: Foresight on cruise and recreational boating, their potential for transition towards a blue economy in the Mediterranean and associated environmental challenges, Coordinated by Lina Tode (Plan Bleu, France), Co-Lead Alberto Cappato (Porto Antico di Genova, Italy), with partners from Croatia, Spain, Tunisia and France.

Start Up Actions activity in detail

We propose here a synthesis of the Start Up Actions’ activities by means of infographics.

*credits: George Bugeja (MCST, Malta)

BlueBoatsMed infographic

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static image / animated image

ECOMEDPORT infographic

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SEALINES infographic

Click on the image to expand the infographic.
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LabMAF infographic

Click on the image to expand the infographic.
You can download it here

Documents and final feasibility studies from the BlueMed startup actions


The deliverable provides useful information about trends and future developments of the cruising, yachting and recreational boating sectors in the Mediterranean relevant for several BLUEMED components.


This report will scope further regional activities that may assist the transition towards sustainable and inclusive cruise and recreational boating in the Mediterranean. In particular, it is being proposed to launch a participative process, in the wake of the BlueBoatsMed experience and fully capitalizing on the project’s results, to formulate “Guidelines for the sustainability of cruise and recreational boating in the Mediterranean region”


The assumption behind any foresight exercise is that the future is still in the making and can be shaped darnathserltahanrépagssivoelny acmcepéted,ibteinrgraawanreétehant cnreeat.ive thinking does not replace planning methods. Based on the results of the BlueBoatsMed project, this report will I) envisage the evolution of the cruise and recreational boating sectors; II) present sustainability options and how they could be implemented.


ECOMEDPORT start-up action promotes the adoption of an innovative and sustainable technological solution demonstrated in Italy in two EU projects: the LIFE MARINAPLAN PLUS and the InterregMed CO-EVOLVE, that is part of the UfM labelled “MedCoast4BG” framework project downstream to the Bologna Charter initiative implementation. The technological solution, which is based on the “ejector plant” technology, is able to achieve a more efficient and less impacting management of sediments in water bodies, with the final results of ensuring a safe navigability. In particular, ECOMEDPORT opened two disseminating channels among ports’ stakeholders in Tunisia and Lebanon through the involvement of local partners and invited experts. This reports concerns the Tunisian port.

This reports details the abovementioned study for the Lebanese port.



SEALINES feasibility studyWith this report the LabMAF project explores the potential of markets to revive and support a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable small- scale fishing sector. Collectively, the LabMAF project and this report aim to point out a gap between the large-scale fisheries industry in Mediterranean countries, and the local and small-scale market for more refined, high-value and sustainably sourced seafood.


SEALINES feasibility studyThe final feasibility study of the BlueMed StartUp Action SEALINES, regarding the re-use of offshore infrastructures in order to achieve the green energy transition.
This feasibility study represents the outcome of the multi-disciplinary approach of Sealines Start-up Action, created by the strong interaction at international level between research centers, stakeholders, and policy makers to achieve results for blue growth according to Research Strategic Agenda goals.
With this aims, the feasibility study considers an abandoned platform, otherwise decommissioned, as the best case to test a hub for scientific research on an integrated “green energy” system.

SEALINES Guidebook.
A guidebook regarding the SEALINES action and main outputs.


News and Updates from the StartUp Actions
