Upcoming Events

Hybrid workshop “Working together towards a Mediterranean lighthouse for the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters” | Barcelona, March 1st 2022
Hybrid workshop “Working together towards a Mediterranean lighthouse for the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters”Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona, March 1st 2022 The European Commission, in close collaboration with the UfM Co-presidency and Secretariat and the BlueMed Pilot team are pleased to invite you to participate in the workshop “Working together towards a Mediterranean […]

EcoMondo 2021 – Connecting the system of Ports and Harbours to unlock the potential in preventing and reducing the effects of Marine Litter across the Mediterranean Sea| Rimini, October 27, 2021
Connecting the system of Ports and Harbours to unlock the potential in preventing and reducing the effects of Marine Litter across the Mediterranean SeaOctober 27, 2021, Diotallevi 2 Room – Rimini Expo Centre, Italy (and online) European, National and Regional policy instruments have been developed to prevent and reduce the environmental and socioeconomic impact due […]
Past Events

The BLUEMED project begins
Bluemed Kickoff meeting 9 November 2016 | Rimini, Italy The kick-off meeting of the BLUEMED project took place on November 9th 2016 in Rimini, Italy, in the setting of Ecomondo, the international exhibition on Green and Circular Economy. The BLUEMED project is a Coordination and Support Action funded with 3M€ by the European Commission. It will be […]

Which solutions for the Mediterranean? | 23 February 2017 | Paris France
Which solutions for the Mediterranean?| Conference 23 February 2017 | Paris, France International Seminar on Mediterranean by French Ministry of the Environment, Energy & Sea.The BLUEMED initiative will be presented during the first round table devoted to science, at the International Seminar on the Mediterranean, on Thursday 23 February 2017.The seminar is organised in France […]

Marine/maritime blue growth of Slovenia under Bluemed in the northern Adriatic | 21-22 March 2017 | Piran Slovenia
Marine/maritime blue growth of Slovenia under Bluemed in the northern Adriatic 21-22 March 2017 | Piran, Slovenia A two-day national meeting will be held in Piran, Slovenia, on 21-22 March 2017 at the National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station. On the first day, the meeting will be among stakeholders on a micro-regional level (northern Adriatic), […]