Connecting the system of Ports and Harbours to unlock the potential in preventing and reducing the effects of Marine Litter across the Mediterranean Sea October 27, 2021, Diotallevi 2 Room - Rimini Expo Centre, Italy (and online)
European, National and Regional policy instruments have been developed to prevent and reduce the environmental and socioeconomic impact due to the mismanagement of waste coming from marine and coastal activities.
With the aim to close the loop of maritime waste cycle, specific actions to address waste prevention and waste deliver in harbours have been proposed and here showcased. EU Directive 2000/59/EC on port reception facilities (PRF) for ship-generated waste and cargo residues obliges Member States to ensure the availability of adequate port reception facilities so as to reduce the discharges of ship-generated waste and cargo residues into the sea. Harmonisation of the waste disposal rate structure provisions in the PRF Directive could be helpful to enhance the effectiveness of the instrument. The Commission also supports the implementation of the flagship Directive on Single-Use Plastics (SUP) in line with the EU Green Deal and the circular economy package.
In this workshop the gaps for the implementation of marine litter solutions are discussed together with key National and Mediterranean actors with the aim to bring local actions into systems.
WORkshop Agenda
The workshop will take place from 14:30 to 17:30 on October 27, 2021. The agenda is avalable on the EcoMondo workshop webpage.

Although the workshop is planned to be organised in person, a digital connection modality will be activated during the event. In person access will be restricted to a limited number of participants, due to the reduced seats availability caused by COVID-19 Italian limitations.
The workshop is co-organised by the Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, Blue Sea Land, Cluster BIG, Federpesca, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), BlueMed GSOs in the frame of the Bluemed Pilot for a Healthy, Plastic free Mediterranean Sea.
The event will take place at Diotallevi 2 Room – South Hall, Rimini Expo Centre, Italy. More info available at: