The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) is organising a Conference entitled:
“Information & Actions for the Implementation of Blue Growth: The EU Strategy for the Adriatic Ionian Macro-Region (EUSAIR) & the BLUEMED Initiative”, οn March 29, 2017, at the Hotel “Divani Palace Acropolis”, 19 Parthenon St., in Athens, Greece.
The conference aims to inform all relevant Greek stakeholders about the actions planned in the framework of Blue Growth in Greece and the Mediterranean, in relation to the European Strategy for Adriatic Ionian macro-region (EUSAIR) and the BlueMed Initiative.
The second part of the Conference will be devoted to some existing examples of Blue Growth in Greece as well as the presentation of the EU project “BlueMed CSA” and its actions, aiming mainly at the implementation of the Scientific and Research Agenda (SRIA) of the BlueMed Initiative.
Finally the Conference will facilitate the creation of 4 platforms for Knowledge, Technology, Economics and Policy, which is mandatory under the “BlueMed CSA” and will give participants the opportunity to become a member of these platforms.
Information about the conference, including the registration process and the Conference Agenda (in Greek), can be found here.
Location : Athens, Greece
Date: 29 March 2017
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